Have you ever done something that caused the hair on the back of your neck to stand on end? Have you ever given more then you thought you had to give; pushed yourself beyond the point that you believed you could go? If you haven’t, for heaven’s sake man, get out of that chair; stop reading this blog and go experience life! For those of you who just got a “rise” by immediately flashing back to that very time and place and reliving the exhilaration of that memory, fan-friggin-tastic! Embrace that feeling and start making plans to do it again. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. This alone could be the single biggest difference between living a ho-hum daily existence or blowing the doors off your dreams and ambitions.
Given enough time we can talk ourselves out of most anything; there are always excuses to be made. For every reason there is to avoid something there are likely just as many reasons to do it. That is the yin and yang of life, the shadow and the light, the push and pull which keeps the world going round. Funny thing is, some of the most fantastic and rewarding experiences of my life have been those moments when I threw caution to the wind and just went for it. When I pushed myself to do what I did not want to do. When fear had me by the short hairs. When I was too tired. When I had every reason to stay in my comfort zone, I stepped up, stepped out and had the time of my life. Stop asking, “Why should I?” and start asking, “Why shouldn’t I?”
I am challenging you to look at your life from a new angle, find your edge and then purposefully step beyond those self-imposed boundaries. I want you to get radical, go rouge, get inspired and tell the status quo where to stick it. Go do something that someone thinks is absurd. When was the last time somebody told you were crazy? Don’t lie; it felt pretty darn good didn’t it? You were invigorated. You were impassioned. You were ALIVE!
Okay you wild and crazy guy, it’s time to start living the unabashed, vibrant, take no prisoners, you only live once, life you were born to live. Step outside the box, dream wildly and act passionately; remember, life is like a bank; you only get out of it what you put into it!
Summit of Mount Shasta, 14,179'
Mentally, emotionally and physically the hardest thing I have ever done and one of the most energizing, rewarding and life changing moments of my life.
"Until you have pushed yourself beyond
where you believed your limits to be,
you have no idea how far you can go."
Great photo! I bet that was a great climb and quite the adrenaline rush. -Stephanie