As we hurdle towards the New Year many of you will be stating resolutions for 2012. What is a resolution? Literally defined, it is the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action. The problem is that most of said resolutions are destined to fail, not because of lack of will, but rather due to lack of direction, meaning and accountability.
First off, many of you are simply asking the wrong question. The question is not “what,” but “why.” I do not care “what” it is you want to change, I want to know “why” changing this is important to you. Let’s use the age old resolution of “getting in shape” as an example. It makes little to no difference that you want to get into shape. WHY do you want to get in shape? That one differentiation is the key to adhering to your resolution and not allowing it fall by the waste side. What is your “WHY?” What is the reason behind your decision to make this change? Why do you want to get in shape? To look better, feel better, have more energy, relieve stress? WHY? Think about this for a moment and then write down your answer. Yes, write it down, on a piece of paper, in black and white and place it in front of you so that you can see it. “I want to get in shape because I want to have more energy.”
Now that you have your “WHY” you have already made it further then the majority of your New Years resolutions constituents. Now let’s take the next step and break this down again. Why do you want your “WHY?” Why do you want more energy? “I want more energy because I want to be able to play with my kids more.” That’s great, but now let’s really take this beyond the norm, where resolutions go not to die, but to be realized. Why is your “WHY” important to you? Why do you want to play with your kids more? I want to play with my kids more because I want to spend more quality time with them. Why is spending more time with them important to you? What would spending more time with them mean to you? What would it mean to them? How would spending more time with them make you feel? How would it make them feel? How would this enrich your relationships with each other? How would this translate to the rest of your lives and relationships?
Now we are on to something. Now you have not just a want, but a WHY and an emotional connection to why that is important to you. This is a simple exercise and yet the single most important step to actualizing your vision of a new reality. Make it happen. Make this year different. Make 2012 the year you saw your resolution through to its completion!
Wait just a minute! How will I know when my resolution has been completed?! Excellent question, now you’re thinking like someone who is making positive change. Stay tuned to tomorrow’s post to find out the next step after you have made the connection to your WHY.
Watch out 2012 here we come! I have my “WHY,” what is yours?